- All orders are subject to acceptance and we are only committed by written confirmation. This acceptance is made subject to these conditions of sale, notwithstanding any purchase conditions stipulated by the customer, expressly excepted in writing by this Company.
- UNITED KINGDOM CUSTOMERS: Invoices are payable nett 30 days after invoice date unless otherwise specified, in the stated currency. We reserve the right to charge interest at comparable rates for any period in excess of these 30 days and to withdraw credit facilities and suppliers if account becomes overdue.
- CUSTOMERS OUTSIDE THE UNITED KINGDOM: Invoices are payable nett 30 days after invoice date unless otherwise specified, in Pounds Sterling at full invoice value without loss to Fast Heat International (UK) Limited arising from foreign exchange rates, fluctuations, bank charges, agent charges or any other cause. We reserve the right to debit our customers with the amount of any difference between invoice values or realised value credited to our Bank account. We reserve the right to charge interest at comparable banking rates for any period in excess of these 30 days and to withdraw credit facilities and supplies if accounts become overdue.
- Customers may be required to supply the Names and Addresses of their Bankers and two Trade references.
- All price schedules are subject to change without notice.
- All prices are valid at invoice point.
- V.A.T. will be added at the rate ruling at invoice point (WHERE APPLICABLE).
- We undertake to route the goods by the fastest economic means, unless otherwise specified by the customer. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for any delay beyond our control.
- UNITED KINGDON CUSTOMERS: Prices do not include transportation costs to customer’s works within the United Kingdom. These will be charged at cost.
- Approximate shipping date refers to the date when goods are estimated to be ready for shipment or inspection at designated point of origin.
- UNITED KINGDOM CUSTOMERS: Goods dispatched from our Warehouse are automatically deemed to be received by our customers five days after despatch unless we receive notification of non-delivery within ten days.
- CUSTOMERS OUTSIDE THE UNITED KINGDOM: Goods despatched from our Warehouse are automatically deemed to be received by our customers ten days after the despatch date unless we receive notification of non-delivery within fifteen days.
- No goods are to be returned without our written approval and on such terms as we may agree. A cancellation charge of 35% of total invoice will be charged.
- Special order merchandise, marked or used items are non-returnable.
- We undertake to warrant our goods against defect in material and workmanship. This warranty is limited to the replacement or repair at our option of any merchandise found defective. Customer must inform us within 30 days in writing, concerning defective merchandise.
- Customer must enable us to investigate claims, including inspection of equipment used in processing those parts to which the claim pertains.
- Defective parts must be returned.
- We will not be liable for any consequential loss or damage arising directly or indirectly out of the goods.
- The terms used in our latest literature and correspondence are binding for description of goods.
- TITLE: Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Sale of Goods Act, the property and ownership of the goods shall, unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing, only be transferred to the buyer when the buyer has made payments to the Company of the full purchase price of the goods and until such date the buyer shall keep the goods for the Company in the capacity of Fiduciary Owner and if required shall store the goods in such a way that they can be recognised as such.
- The buyer shall insure the goods in their own Name but will hold any payments payable under such Insurance Policy upon trust to the Company. Notwithstanding this provision, the buyer shall be entitled to sell the goods to a third party in the normal course of carrying on the buyer’s business and to deliver the goods to such a third party on condition that if the Company shall so require, the buyer may have against such a third party emanating from any such sale or alternatively if such third party shall have made payment for the goods to the buyer then the buyer shall hold such monies upon trust to the Company and if so required shall deliver such money to the Company in full or part settlement as the Company shall decide, of any amount due by the buyer to the Company.